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Cropwell Community Garden

Cropwell Butler, Nottinghamshire

Cropwell Community Garden is a no dig and agroecological community garden project.

Located on a piece of land once called 'the dumping ground', the plot was extremely overgrown whilst also covered in scrap and other waste.

Using no-dig and agroecological principles we have been able to build biodiversity, soil health, and community. We grow without the use of synthetic fertilisers and damaging agricultural chemicals. Increasing soil fertility through no-dig and organic amendments helps us grow nutrient dense produce and a healthy garden!

One of our aims is to integrate as many closed loop systems as we can, such as making our own plant feeds, rainwater harvesting, and different composting methods. We also work to maintain open pollinated seed and crop diversity, recognising this as a fundamental for biodiverse ecosystems and food sovereignty.

Xanthea Heynes
Founder and Director


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