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Charles Team
Homeacrs Birds Eye View
Charles standing in his garden
Charles Team
Homeacrs Birds Eye View
Charles standing in his garden
Charles' garden
Charles Showing gardening techniques
Charles lining fence in garden
Charles' garden

A talk at the Tranqubar bookshop in Copenhagen

April 11, 2025
5pm local time
14 Borgergade, Copenhagen, 1300 Denmark

I'm delighted to be visiting Copenhagen. The bookshop's website says: On Friday, April 11, we will have an international visitor when the British gardener and horticulturist Charles Dowding visits us on Borgergade. Down here in the shop we talk a lot about vegetable gardens, vegetables and compost. A world where there is really room to get geeky, improve and expand the beds every year. That is why it is with big smiles when we sell Dowding's books to other vegetable garden-loving guests. Charles comes from a conventional farming family and as a teenager his farming was not questioned. But at the age of 20, his eyes were opened to the nutritional difference in plants and he began growing organic vegetables with a focus on plant health. 45 years later, Dowding has become a true expert gardener. He teaches both in his garden in Somerset and on the internet. He has written a large number of books and travels the world as a speaker. He is now traveling to us and the basis of his talk is his two latest books "No Dig" and "Compost", a practical conversation is planned with both tips for setting up and improving your horticultural/kitchen garden production. Charles is interviewed by farmer Emma Rej Duckert, who runs the horticultural/agricultural farm Månedalen.

A workshop and lecture in Assens, Denmark

April 12, 2025
12 midday local time
Arena Assens Rådhus Allé 25, 5610 Assens, Denmark

My tour of Denmark takes me to Assens where I give a workshop and lecture.

A workshop and lecture in Skanderborg, Denmark

April 13, 2025
12 midday local time
Skanderborg Gymnasium Højvangens torv 6, 8660 Skanderborg, Denmark

My third stop is Skanderborg. Again a similar schedule to 12th April. A choice of joining the workshop and lecture or just the lecture.

Morning Masterclass at Rabarbergaarden

April 14, 2025
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Gården Holløse Gade, 21 3210 Vejby, Holløse

I am pleased to make arrangements for this masterclass with Louise Køster who first contacted me in 2018. Louise says - A little about us since... I have since we wrote together in 2018, been chairperson of Organic Denmark, which has only sharpened our focus on sustainable and local food production. We have branched out our farm-to-table restaurant to another restaurant at Frederiksborg Castle. Our self sufficient organic market garden here at the farm, is therefore providing two busy restaurants with organic produces as well as pork and lamb meat. This is what you will get at this masterclass: * The theory behind No Dig and the good start up in your garden (Talk, presentation and slides) * Practical demonstration out in the garden * Questions & discussion * Coffee & cake Who is this masterclass for: * For those who are interested in gardening as sustainable as possible and get a lot of vegetables * For those who want to start a garden from scratch * For those who have been gardening for many years and want to learn new sustainable methods. Date & time: Monday April 14, 2025 at 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (Morning session)

Afternoon Masterclass at Rabarbergaarden

April 14, 2025
14:00 - 17:00 pm (Afternoon session)
Gården Holløse Gade, 21 3210 Vejby, Holløse

This is what you will get at this masterclass: * The theory behind No Dig and the good start up in your garden (Talk, presentation and slides) * Practical demonstration out in the garden * Questions & discussion * Coffee & cake Who is this masterclass for: * For those who are interested in gardening as sustainable as possible and get a lot of vegetables * For those who want to start a garden from scratch * For those who have been gardening for many years and want to learn new sustainable methods. Date & time: Monday April 14, 2025 at 14:00 - 17:00 pm (Afternoon session)

Two Day Energy Gardening Course with Alanna Moore at Homeacres

April 23, 2025
Homeacres, Alhampton

DAY 1 - 10am to 5pm - DAY 2 - 9am to 2.30pm A Workshop of discovering gardening applications of dowsing and subtle energies. Learn pendulum techniques of Energy Dowsing, suited to beginners and experienced dowsers alike. Practise Geobiology, Earth Acupuncture, plant and soil dowsing, Sensitive Permaculture; assess energetic rock dusts and make a Power Tower for plant growth enhancement. See this list Alanna's website: Alanna has 40 years experience professionally in these subjects and also the teaching of them. She was a founder of the New South Wales Dowsers Society in Sydney in 1984. Learning with Alanna includes a little theory and is more focussed on hands-on dowsing practise in the Homeacres garden. Charles discusses the methods he is employing in the garden. On the Wednesday evening we'll arrange a place for an evening meal locally for those who would like to attend and details of that will be sent the week before the workshop. This is at your own cost.

A workshop hosted at Cherry Taylor’s no dig garden in Monmouthshire

April 26, 2025
Old Llangattock Farm, NP25 5NG

This workshop will run from 10-4pm and Charles will cover veg growing and starting a new no dig garden, plus it’s ongoing maintenance. You can find out more about this garden and how to book a place at (£195 pp including lunch and refreshments)

Charles talks Compost after lunch at Langford Farm

May 3, 2025
Langford Farm, Woollard Lane, Woollard, Pensford, BS39 4HT

The proceeds go to St. Peter’s Hospice, Bristol. If you want to be creative in your garden or allotment and avoid unnecessary work my talk looks behind the many myths and misconceptions about composting.

A lecture at the Botanical Gardens of Utrecht University, Netherlands

May 9, 2025
Utrecht University, Netherlands

Preliminary program 16:30 – 17:30 No Dig applied in the Botanical Gardens: a guided tour with Charles Dowding and the hortulanus of the Botanical Gardens of Utrecht University. 17:30 - 19:00 Dinner and exclusive access to the Botanical Gardens of Utrecht University. Evening program The evening program consists of a fascinating lecture by Charles about: - Personal introduction and how he came to No Dig - No Dig in relationships & healthy soil - Composting - How to practically apply No Dig in your own (ornamental) garden There will of course also be plenty of opportunity to ask Charles your questions during an extensive Q&A. 19:00 - 19:30 Walk-in with coffee/tea 19:30 - 20:45 Lecture by Charles Dowding 20:45 - 21:45 Q&A with Charles Dowding

A workshop at Nije Leije in The Netherlands

May 10, 2025

A full day covering my no dig methods, I show examples of my Homeacres garden as well as a practical part to the day. The ethos of Nije Leije is respect for nature. Equality of man, animal and earth. Being open to people with innovative, groundbreaking, small and big ideas. Their aim is a community in which enterprising tenants, gardeners and volunteers work and support each other.

Two separate practical worshops and talks in one day at MOES Gardens, Amstelveen, Netherlands

May 11, 2025
9am to 11.45am 1pm to 3.45pm

Discover the time-saving principles of No Dig. Hands on guidance creating garden beds with a focus on summer vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers. Morning course 9am – 11.45pm - Afternoon course 1pm to 3.45pm. More information to follow.

An ‘Almost Full Moon’ Garden Feast at The Barn, Chichester

June 6, 2025
40 East Street, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1HX

A four course garden feast and I shall be giving a No Dig talk. *The Plant Based Menu will be released one month before the event* Pay Bar on the night. Arrival from 19:15 with food being served from 19:30. Finish at 23:00.

Talk at the South Downs Food & Nature Fest

June 7, 2025
10am until late
Westerlands, Graffham, West Sussex, GU280QJ

In my talk I ask why methods of soil cultivation involving disturbance to soil life, have become so universally applied. Until very recently, there has been little consideration of the damages caused. I explain my no dig methods, which are for gardening not farming. I then look at the deeper implications of this approach, and how it leads to questioning many other aspects and supposed tenets of gardening, and of life! More information and tickets are available through the link. The time of my talk is yet to be decided.

Alhampton Village Open Gardens Afternoon

June 8, 2025
1pm to 4.30pm
Homeacres, Alhampton

Homeacres garden will be open as well as a number of other beautiful gardens in the village. Charles will be on hand to answer any questions, there will be a book stall and Charles's brother will be in the garden selling his award winning cider and apple juice. Please follow the parking marshalls and pay for your programme on arrival. Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome. Proceeds go to the upkeep and maintenance of Haddon Wood. This is a beautiful woodland accessed via the lane that Homeacres is on just by the Tin Chapel.

Visit Homeacres as part of a tour - England Gardening & Homesteading Tour, in partnership with McMurray Hatchery

June 16, 2025
Homeacres, Alhammpton, Somerset

The is a cultural and gardening tour of London and the South West. The group will visit Homeacres on the afternoon of 16th June to learn all about my no dig methods. The tour is organised and run by an American company, Travel & Play but you could still book in even if you live outside of the US.

A Talk at the Crops Not Shops Festival

June 21, 2025

Sacred Earth, Roots & Culture Gathering. I will be giving a couple of no dig talks, details to be posted on their website. A celebration to remember our connection to spirit, to the earth and to who we really are.

Two talks at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival

July 2, 2025
Two talks, one at midday and one at 3pm

I'm looking forward to attending this show and giving two talks. One at midday and one at 3pm, the exact stage is yet to be confirmed. Hampton Court Palace is a beautiful backdrop to this wonderful show. It's always a chance to catch up with old friends and I hope to see many of you there.

Homeacres Open Day

September 6, 2025
Homeacres, Alhampton

We are open all day and Charles and the team put labels around the garden to help understand what is going on in many of the beds and compost heaps. Charles's brother will be with us selling his award winning apple juice and cider and you can also buy books and module trays. Details of ticket price and times of opening to follow. Under 18s are free. Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome.

Two Days of workshops and talks at Bingenheimer Saatgut AG in Germany

September 13, 2025
Kronstraße 24 61209 Echzell-Bingenheim

Day One Saturday 13th September – No Dig Gardening - 60 places 10am to 4pm Extensive morning session in the event space, to include a Q&A, followed by lunch, then a practical session in the garden. Ticket price £130 includes lunch and refreshments. Day Two Sunday 14th September – Energy Gardening morning session only in the event space - 100 places 9.00am to 12.00pm, to include a break for tea & coffee. This is a presentation, with lots of questions and answers. Ticket price £60 does not include lunch, number of places 100. Day Two – Seed afternoon session - 50 places 12.30pm - Introduction from Charles. 12.45pm - Lunch of soup, bread and salad. 1.30pm to 3.00pm- Charles gives a talk on Seed Saving at the market garden level. 3.00 to 4.00pm - Break for tea and coffee, organising two tour groups (time to walk the 500m to the facilities) 4.00 to 5.30pm- Tour of facilities Ticket price £75