My garden is located in suburban Fairfield CT, USDA Zone 7 A, not far from where Ruth Stout pioneered her work with No Dig gardening. It’s now 13 years old and consists of 6 raised beds totaling approximately 380 square feet. I found Charles on YouTube in early 2022 and have been “No Dig” ever since. Using his “No Dig” techniques I have, without back breaking labor, expanded my growing area with 3 new beds each being highly productive in their very first year.
I grow a wide range of crops and have benefited greatly from Charles’ teaching and wisdom. He has inspired me to add perennial crops such as asparagus and raspberries and to try my hand at winter gardening. I have purchased two of his online courses and would highly recommend the “From Seed to Harvest” module which has proven to be an invaluable on-going resource for successfully growing a multitude of vegetables.
Thanks Charles!