We have 35 raised beds in our garden in Merville, BC. Over half are filled with perennials to keep it less work, including strawberries, blueberries, Marion berries, raspberries, Jerusalem artichokes, asparagus, globe artichokes, nettles, comfrey, rhubarb, and perennial onions and leeks. Siberian kale and miners lettuce grow as weeds.
We needed the garden in raised beds as the ground is very soggy in the winter. There is about 50 cm/18 inches of good soil with clay below, so I hardly have to water, even after 3 months of no rain in the summer.
We’ve been no dig since 2015. We add home made compost every year and aged cow manure every two years. We also have 3 apple trees, 2 Northern pecans, a fig and 2 edible chestnut trees in the garden.
The goal is to feed ourselves by 25% and I think we are doing that, as well a sharing lots of excess. It is so satisfying to go to the garden to pick dinner! I sure appreciate all the wisdom shared by Charles. His Compost book is a must read.
Love to share knowledge with other locals. We often yank strawberries, kale, Marion berry shoots, and Jerusalem artichokes as weeds to compost so if anyone wants some, let me know.
Joyce at pjmcmenamon@gmail.com.
Happy gardening everyone!