We are in the very dry, very hot Karoo district, close to the town Willowmore in South Africa. I started the no dig way about 2 and a half years ago, and have seen better and better results every single year. It has been unseasonably warm very early in spring this year, with day time temps reaching low 40°C.
I have to put a lot of mulch everywhere, using woodchips for around every patch and the walkways and using from grass clippings to leaves for the beds themselves, and trying to utilise as much natural shade as possible. The garden itself does not look like much but it has given me and the kids so much joy to be able to eat straight from the ground.
And although it does not seem that green to the untrained Karoo eye, compared to the natural landscape, my garden looks like a mini forest!
The photos is of of the garden, it's not much, but it is enough for all 3 of my kids to always get some kind of fresh snack from the garden anytime they feel like it.