I was lucky to get an allotment in Southwick, near Trowbridge, Wiltshire, in February 2021. It was completely covered in weeds on top of 2 layers of plastic. The clay soil underneath was not being used at all. I did not dig it.
After clearing all of the plastic, couch grass (+ very long roots) and other perennial weeds, I planted a couple of beds that summer. I used the no dig method with cardboard and compost, wood chip paths, and had a good harvest.
The subsequent years have been so abundant - I have fed several people with organic fruit and vegetables. Still using canned and frozen food from last year!
I want to spread the word, be in touch with other no diggers. My email address is: mariamargaritaterner@icloud.com
I love my little plot of land - it helps me keep fit and healthy (I am 70 tomorrow!) and I feel I am reclaiming a small area, returning it to nature. There are so many worms and mushrooms!
Thankyou to Charles, I have learnt a huge amount from his videos.