I nestled two No-Dig beds along established perennial beds—one in part shade and one in mostly sun—using my recycling pile of cardboard and irrigation that was already in place (because I knew I’d be traveling during the height of the growing season and would not always be here to water).
I put the beds in myself with the help of my nine year-old daughter (and a truck load of compost) and have found this to be the most accessible and even feminist way to garden because building skills and He-Man strength are not necessary for any part of the process. Weeds are negligible, production has been high, and the biggest challenge has been keeping my dog out of the beds!
My first crop of lettuces and greens is already mature and my second sowing of carrots, beets, and peas that I interspersed are now taking off. I also planted some perennial herbs and edged each bed with marigolds to discourage pests and prevent erosion.