I share my allotment with my neighbour, she has about a quarter and I have the rest plus a polytunnel my wife bought me for my birthday last year.
I have Charles's book and calander which are very informative.
I got the allotment 2 years ago, it hadn't been used so it took some clearing but that was before I started watching your YouTube videos.
I've planted some Alderman peas, lettuce, onions from seed, first early potatoes, carrots, parsnips, peppers and I've garlic in the polytunnel as last year outside I lost all 70 ish of them.
Seedings coming on are 4 types of tomao, celery, coriander, parsley, sunflowers, more peas as back up. And starting today ,sweetcorn, spring onions, radish, more coriander and parsley.