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Sabine Drom


In 2015 my dream came true: I quit my office job after a burnout and moved from town to the country side with my husband. We found a beautiful old farmhouse (built 1800) in the middle of a village and were very surprised to find a meadow with old fruit trees behind this house (1500 square meters). NOW I could start my permaculture vision of a no dig veggie garden and a perennial food forest.

My husband always helped with the heavy stuff and by now everything is in full production so that we can give away many delicious crops to our neighbours. This year we launched a successful plant and seed swap in our community. We feel (are) so much wealthier and resilient with less money, it is amazing. And we can see how the soil live has exploded since and some citizens started their first no dig beds after a visit in our permaculture paradise.

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