I leased this land (3000 square meters) in April 2024. The land had been left fallow for about a decade before this time. I have worked on making the land fit for gardening since that time, and preparing to develop a very small scale market garden starting in the spring of 2025.
Some trial crops grew well in 2024, especially carrots, tomatoes, okra, and winter squashes.
We have also sown various cereals (rye, wheat, barley, oats) just before the winter set in.
Some videos of our gardening efforts can be seen here (https://youtu.be/fZkTyuglOEU?si=bVzr0LEnvZkAVNf4)
My interest in farming in a natural way was kindled upon reading Masanabu Fukuoka's "One Straw Revolution". In the planning of the market garden, I am guided by Charles Dowding's resources, especially the online videos for which I am immensely grateful.
In the day time, I am a university professor who in the past explored climate variations. Currently, I focus my research on plants and the soil. In fact, I have a PhD student who is working on carbon recycling in the soil across various types of farmlands (no dig, conventional, synecoculture etc).