I have grown produce since I was young as my dad had an allotment. I lived in Cyprus 14 years and started to practice no dig there (following Charles online) and have always made my own compost. I returned to Norfolk in 2020 and joined an older lady at our local allotments who needed help as her husband passed away and she could not manage it alone. I have also been a Master Composter volunteer for Norfolk for 3 years which I love as well as growing my own produce. I am also a member of Garden Organic and Heritage Seeds
Our no dig allotment has been no dig for 25 years. We have cob trees, bramleys, russet, blackcurrants, rhubarb, wild flower beds at each end, a herb patch and grow a variety of vegetables every year. We save seed and use organic seed as much as we possibly can. We have 2 large compost bays and spread this over the land every year about this time. I also have a worm farm which we use as feed (vermicompost and liquid gold!) and also grow comfrey for mulch and liquid feed. We also have a greenhouse and shed.Stacey
My email address is: sgthigh@hotmail.com