Useful links
Everything from where to get the products I use to how to my books as locally as possible

Links that you may find helpful
See this page for more information on my recommended gardening products.
International stockists of my books and products
The Netherlands
- Books and module trays from The Farm Dream – can be shipped to EU countries.
- Books from Saxo
- Module trays from FantastiskeFroe
- Module trays from Lindholm gård
USA and Canada
- Books from Chelsea Green Publishing (self-published books only, though at present not including my Calendar or No Dig Cookbook)
- Module trays and long-handled dibber from All About The Garden
Australia and New Zealand
- Module trays from J & E Stevenson in Tasmania.
Amazon also sells my books and calendar, for shipping internationally.
Recommended reading
- I have a page on Shepherds Books where I list books that have helped and inspired me.
- Silent Earth. Insects are essential for life as we know it - without them, our world would look vastly different. Drawing on the latest ground-breaking research and a lifetime's study, Dave Goulson reveals the long decline of insect populations that has taken place in recent decades and its potential consequences, and asks for profound change at every level.
Compost & mulches
- Compost etc for beds from Woodland Horticulture, based in Somerset and delivering widely.
- I have trialled and like this compost for propagating from Urban Wyrm.
- In and around Bristol, Phoenix Green Solutions sell compost
- AllGrowSupplies sellcompost for raising plants: it contains some peat, a waste product from Yorkshire river beds and water filtration.
- Online turf sell mushroom compost by the cubic metre, also bulk composts and soil.
- Mulch material to kill weeds, made of wool in N. England by ChimneySheep.
- Biodegradable mulch materials from Hy-Tex, for weed control.
- Carbon Trap sell Miscanthus Bedding/Mulch – this is shredded grass, half way between straw and wood chips, white in colour.
- Arbtalk is a website in the UK dedicated to helping tree surgeons find tip sites for wood chips or waste tree surgery timber. You can register as a site wanting delivery of wood chip, if you have the space to accommodate a load.
Reporting aminopyralid contamination
If you think your garden or allotment has been affected by aminopyralid or clopyralid residues in manure or compost please do report the problem using this link. Please note this form is only for the UK and Ireland. I am assured this information is reviewed by the UK government 6 monthly to assess the effectiveness of the aminopyralid 'stewardship' program which is a condition of the UK license.
More information on contaminated compost here.
Seed & plants
- Real Seeds for seeds and info ion seed saving.
- Bingenheim Seeds of Germany offer a catalogue with organic and biodynamic seeds. They no longer ship directly to individuals in the UK due to the extra customs regulations. They have partnered with a UK company who offer a product range of their open pollinated organic varieties, Tamar Organics.
- Culinaris from Germany offer unusual kales, blight-resistant tomatoes et al.
- Seeds of Italy for seeds, especially endive & chicory.
- Delfland near Ely is a plant nursery where you can buy wholesale amounts of excellent transplants.
- Pennard Plants of Somerset sell cuttings of Taunton Deane kale plus other great plants.
- Hopes Grove Nurseries in Kent sell native hedging plants and more.
- Walcot Nursery sell organic fruit trees.
Bees & wildlife
- Solitary bee observation nest boxes from Nurturing Nature.
- Fragrant flower ideas, for attracting bees to your garden.
- Arena Flowers has great information on bees and beekeeping.
- Carymoor for learning about/demos of habitats and different wildlife.
- Information on bees with some useful links.
Useful extras
- Bacillus thuringiensis from ProGreen - sold for Box trees and hedges, also kills brassica caterpillars. If this link is broken, search for 'Bacillus thuringiensis caterpillars' or 'Dipel'.
- Better plants sell excellent dried and powdered seaweed, from Irish beaches.
- Agralan sell basalt rockdust in 20kg sacks.
Associations & learning
- I recommend workshops on soil microbes and microscopy with Eddie Bailey at his Cotswold home.
- Monthly gardening advice from Which? UK, includes my articles.
- Budcasts from Sarah Wilson at Roots and All, includes an interview with Charles episode 47 – search for 'budcast sarah wilson charles dowding'.
- Biodynamic Association UK for biodynamic information.
- Help with career change to gardening, and learning through Skills Day – contact WFGA.
- Learn more about earthworms with the Earthworm Society of Britain.
- Organic Growers Alliance for news, ideas and forum of commercial growers.
- Educational Resources on Life Skills for Wellness.
- 'No till farming' event in Herts Groundswell at the Cherry's no till farm.
- Roots and Shoots for horticultural training in SE London
- How compost helps soil biology to conserve nutrients and reduce leaching, by Tom Willey
- Scientists at Rothamsted in 2020 observe fertiliser damage to soil microbiology
- Minnesota University photos of weedkiller/herbicide damage to leaves – helps identify any problem
- Tips on using Bacillus thuringiensis from Kentucky College of Agriculture
- Benefits of gardening to cancer and mental health sufferers
- Garden without pesticides, advice from PAN UK
Charities supporting soil health and gardening
- Tiyeni, a Malawian NGO (with a UK fundraising team), trains communities in Deep Bed Farming – a low tech, low cost method to sustainably and rapidly increase yields.
Somerset activities & eateries
- Mill On The Brue for children’s organic activities.
- At The Chapel in Bruton for excellent meals and bread from their wood-fired oven.
- for a great holiday, woofing, compost loos…
- Something different, lovely pictures and mirrors from old wood in Germany
- View microscopic soil life in digital art! By Katelyn Weel, soil scientist in Norway
- Teemill – sweatshirts and T shirts with Charles's own no dig designs, in organic cotto
- Mesothelioma Hope – an advocacy organisation that provides free educational resources, support, and information to anyone that may have questions about asbestos-related diseases
Continue your no dig journey by taking one of Charles's flagship online courses

I came to the course hoping to get a few ideas for our school’s gardening club and left feeling inspired. Whilst we only have a small space and limited funds I can see a way to create something significant using No Dig.
Lucy Stendall
— Kate Forrester
- Four Acres, Ringwood, Hants
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