Late June 2023, so dry and no dig is helping!

Late June, often the weather changes around this time of solstice. I hope so, after five weeks without rain for most of us. Find more details in my recent newsletter, do subscribe if you have not already.
Nonetheless, temperatures will stay warm, including at night. This helps growth to continue if roots can access moisture. That is the limiting factor for many of us.
If you can, keep watering these vegetables that need it most, see my short video. It’s best to continue watering as though no rain is forecast, because sometimes it does not happen and your plants suffer. But if it then does rain, moisture is pushed further down. A reserve for the coming weeks. You can even water when it”s raining, to good effect.

Second plantings
Dry weather can make this more difficult, however do whatever you can to keep bed is full. In order to have harvest in autumn and through winter. See this recent video.
The photos give you some examples and ideas. This coming week we shall be sowing more carrots between lettuce, and planting kale between onions. Watering the new plantings benefits the existing vegetables, or vice versa.
See also my Knowledge pack about watering and harvesting.

Always more than I can mention – the photos give you an idea and I hope to reassure you! The garlic is not a total disaster and you can learn more about the benefits of growing it under cover in this video.
Aphids since April have been shockingly numerous and there are many fewer predators than normal. I’m only now seeing the first serious number of ladybird larvae. What is going on?
This link is for veggiemesh covers to keep insects off.

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